"Florida girl, 12, found dead after bullies said 'kill yourself'"
By: Matt Pearce
Source: Los Angeles Times
Twelve year old Rebecca Ann Sedwick, of Lakeland, Florida was found dead
at a cement plant this Tuesday morning. The police found her body at
2:30 am, but were too late to save her. She was driven to her death by
the multiple messages sent through social networking sites telling her
to kill herself. The whole feud began in 2012 over a boy between the
friends she once knew. Instead of the girls who were supposed to uplift
her spirit they were the ones that led her to her down fall. After a
fight amongst the girls Rebecca got suspended and her mother decided to
place her into a different school. She disconnected her daughter from
Facebook, but found "hate" from various social networking sites. Many
interventions were attempted to be held to help Rebecca's situation and
well being as well. However, the harassment would not stop. Eventually,
Monday morning it all came to an end for Rebecca and her problems as she
disappeared on her way to school and was found dead later that night.
These kinds of stories are important to hear about and be aware of
because it really shows us how big of an impact the simplest of words
can have on somebody. Especially, since the internet has become a common
place to communicate with people many have been using it as a tool to
bring down others with rude comments. What they do not realize is how
much pain and worthlessness they inflict upon these people. Not only do
they degrade somebody's worth and self esteem, but they drive them to
self harm or even suicide. Society must learn that bullying is not
acceptable by any means because nobody deserves to feel any less of the
person they are.
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