Sunday, September 8, 2013

Carnival Ride Injures 13 Children

"Swing Ride Accident: Oyster Festival Attraction Loses Power, Injuring Several Children"
Source: Huffington Post

This Sunday afternoon, a shocking incident occurred that put some people's lives at risk. At Norwalk, Connecticut a community festival by the name of Oyster Festival was being held. Everything was going swell until suddenly a swing ride lost power and injured 13 children. A few fell from 10-15 feet off the ground, some hit other riders, and others hit the ride its self. While some kids were being treated at the festival due to the slight damage they faced, others were sent to the local hospital to be taken care of. However, from recent reports most children only suffered minor injuries and were on their way to a fast recovery.

Although none of these children faced any great physical damage upon themselves, many may have dealt with the emotional trauma that came along with it. The manufacturers, engineers, and inspectors of this ride were held responsible for the safety of those riders and that is where they failed. This story shows how anything that may seem stable or secure can be possible of breaking down so we must always keep our eyes open. Also in any situation that concerns the reliability of someone's well being must be taken strictly at all costs.

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