Sunday, March 30, 2014

What I would get rid of

I'm one of those people who holds onto a few things just in case they come to good use one day. What I discovered is that the longer I wait the more I realize these items will probably never be in active use again. As I look around the clutter of my personal drawer so many different and prehistoric objects come to sight. There is this one pack of tattoos I purchased from Urban Outfitters about four summers ago. They had quite some sarcastic and witty sayings so I was intrigued to buy them. I thought it would be perfect to wear during the hot days with most skin revealed, but when I really thought about it I realized how childish it was. I mean the last time I wore a washable tattoo was when I was six. Now, I was twelve at this point; get real. There was no way I would be seen in them back then, so no chance I would be seen in them now. First item off the disposal list: check. Next I saw my iPhone 4s cases that I have had for about a year now and never used because of my upgrade to iPhone 5. The iPhone 5's slimmer and taller design is not commensurate to the previous generation's body. Therefore, there is no logical explanation to why I still have the old cases. Second item off the disposal list: check. Now, the third and final object I came across was the collection of five year old seventeen magazine issues which my friend lent me when she finished reading them. I was never much of a reader, but I liked magazines because they had plenty of nice pictures to look at. After I finished "reading" the first magazine I lost interest. I have not touched the rest of the issues since. If any one of these items had to go it would definitely be the magazines. These items were definitely things I could live without, but there are a couple in mind I would absolutely not. As time consuming as my phone is it really is one of the things I would not be able to live without. It has all the information I need for important academic purposes and pleasurable ones, such as social networking sites. The second and last item is my guitar which I adore dearly. There is always a time of the day I wish to play a few chords on the sweet beauty. As crazy as it sounds, I can never imagine myself without it.

"Tree removal along Crenshaw has residents stumped"

By: Angel Jennings
Source : Los Angles Times,0,2530505.story#axzz2xWdEaa39

The people of Crenshaw are not in a very happy mood due to the numerous amount of trees that have been cut down in their city. All along Crenshaw Boulevard, large stumps remain where trees once stood tall. Most green life has been replaced for new venues such as The California Science Center and the Crenshaw/LAX subway line. Reportedly seventy one mature magnolias and pines were chopped down in 2012 along an almost two-mile stretch in South Los Angeles. About 175 trees (a third of the population remaining) are going to be cut down for the light-rail project in Crenshaw, and the numbers can vary as the final design is decided. This whole situation upsets the people of the area greatly. One resident of Leirmert Park said, "It disturbs me that they are taking the trees away. The wonderful thing about this particular area of L.A. is that it had a lushness … but it lost its mystique and is sterile." However, to make up for all the disappointment and damage that was caused The California Science Center agreed to plant four times as many trees that were cut down. Through this compromise both the people and companies will be satisfied.

This is issue is very important because it is necessary to have verdant life for the supply of oxygen and sake of human nature. Cutting down multiple trees decreases the chances of an eco-friendly environment, thus increasing the number of non-friendly inhabitants.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

"Dog Doesn’t Consider Itself Part Of Family"

The typical household dog is usually considered a part of the family by its members, but this particular canine has a different view on where he belongs. Local six-year old Golden Retriever, Pepper from Thomasville, GA explains the relationship he shares with the people who take care of him. He tells reporters that they are decent people, although they are not the ones he would like to have chosen as family. As a result of being adopted by force, Pepper isolates himself in the backyard to be as far as possible from the humans. He explains how loud and obnoxious they are, along with being glued to their phones all day. The lack of playful interaction between the dog and its family members are what distance themselves apart. 

This news report satires a dog's view on its family, which is funny since an animal's opinions are never heard. What makes it interesting is the different take on views of family. Because dogs are an easy animal to love and cherish most family members consider them a part of their family, but the perspective of the pet is never perceived due to the automatic assumption that the feeling is mutual. Most people believe that the pet and owner share an equal amount of love towards one another, but that is not always true. In this case the dog feels unjustified due to its inability to choose who he belongs to. He does not feel like one of the family members due to the huge contrast in the family's interests and his own. The family likes to stay indoors and use the internet, while the dog wishes to play outside and run around. This point brings insight to a major issue in today's age. Through the constant use of cell phones important aspects of life are gone to waste or unnoticed. Pepper's voice is what attempts to make a change in society.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

"February weather cost workers hours, but didn't cost the U.S. jobs"


The harsh weather in the month of February disabled people to complete their jobs or have any protection from the harsh temperatures. Most got some hours taken off or lost their jobs completely. This rate caused a small rise in unemployment and jobs left unattended. In addition, 6.9 million people who normally work full-time reported working only part-time because of the weather in February. That was the most since January 1996, when a historic blizzard hit the East Coast.The average work week for all employees dropped by 0.1 hour to 34.2 hours in February. But for production and non-supervisory employees, the average work week dropped by 0.2 hour to 33.3 hours. However, an unusual increase in job openings changed this whole situation. The economy added 175,000 net new jobs and made its way of decreasing the unemployment rate. New jobs were opened in the business of construction at 15,000 jobs, restaurants at 20,000 jobs, and education and health at 30,000 jobs. Business services industry, however gained the spot with most new job openings at 76,000. These new work forces will hopefully decrease the unemployment rate with many new workers to produce goods and services for the public.

The effect of economy on my life

The United States economy effects not only mine, but all its citizens. The economy is what stabilizes our lives through the productions of goods and services. If the the economy were to have a complete downfall my family would lose their job, house, money and have no more means of creating a roof beneath our head along with food and water. Our lives would no longer cease to exist at that point because of the incredibly harsh circumstances and conditions. However, thankfully enough our economy has not reached that time and the amount of suffering most people withstand is the purchasing of less goods that are desirable and more that are necessary to own. At a time like this, people must use their money wisely because there is never enough to waste. As a teenager, I love to shop and buy the newest trends in stores. Normally, I should not take into consideration of all the food expenses and house bills, since they are covered by my parents. However, if all the money I borrow by them is used carelessly there will be no more to distribute by the providers (parents).  All will slowly be lost and cause the process of my family's financial downfall. Many scenarios, like this one result by the careless and over spending by most people. Anytime the economy collapses our lives may as well, so we must be very cautious of our transactions.