Sunday, March 30, 2014

"Tree removal along Crenshaw has residents stumped"

By: Angel Jennings
Source : Los Angles Times,0,2530505.story#axzz2xWdEaa39

The people of Crenshaw are not in a very happy mood due to the numerous amount of trees that have been cut down in their city. All along Crenshaw Boulevard, large stumps remain where trees once stood tall. Most green life has been replaced for new venues such as The California Science Center and the Crenshaw/LAX subway line. Reportedly seventy one mature magnolias and pines were chopped down in 2012 along an almost two-mile stretch in South Los Angeles. About 175 trees (a third of the population remaining) are going to be cut down for the light-rail project in Crenshaw, and the numbers can vary as the final design is decided. This whole situation upsets the people of the area greatly. One resident of Leirmert Park said, "It disturbs me that they are taking the trees away. The wonderful thing about this particular area of L.A. is that it had a lushness … but it lost its mystique and is sterile." However, to make up for all the disappointment and damage that was caused The California Science Center agreed to plant four times as many trees that were cut down. Through this compromise both the people and companies will be satisfied.

This is issue is very important because it is necessary to have verdant life for the supply of oxygen and sake of human nature. Cutting down multiple trees decreases the chances of an eco-friendly environment, thus increasing the number of non-friendly inhabitants.

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