Sunday, March 30, 2014
What I would get rid of
I'm one of those people who holds onto a few things just in case they come to good use one day. What I discovered is that the longer I wait the more I realize these items will probably never be in active use again. As I look around the clutter of my personal drawer so many different and prehistoric objects come to sight. There is this one pack of tattoos I purchased from Urban Outfitters about four summers ago. They had quite some sarcastic and witty sayings so I was intrigued to buy them. I thought it would be perfect to wear during the hot days with most skin revealed, but when I really thought about it I realized how childish it was. I mean the last time I wore a washable tattoo was when I was six. Now, I was twelve at this point; get real. There was no way I would be seen in them back then, so no chance I would be seen in them now. First item off the disposal list: check. Next I saw my iPhone 4s cases that I have had for about a year now and never used because of my upgrade to iPhone 5. The iPhone 5's slimmer and taller design is not commensurate to the previous generation's body. Therefore, there is no logical explanation to why I still have the old cases. Second item off the disposal list: check. Now, the third and final object I came across was the collection of five year old seventeen magazine issues which my friend lent me when she finished reading them. I was never much of a reader, but I liked magazines because they had plenty of nice pictures to look at. After I finished "reading" the first magazine I lost interest. I have not touched the rest of the issues since. If any one of these items had to go it would definitely be the magazines. These items were definitely things I could live without, but there are a couple in mind I would absolutely not. As time consuming as my phone is it really is one of the things I would not be able to live without. It has all the information I need for important academic purposes and pleasurable ones, such as social networking sites. The second and last item is my guitar which I adore dearly. There is always a time of the day I wish to play a few chords on the sweet beauty. As crazy as it sounds, I can never imagine myself without it.
"Tree removal along Crenshaw has residents stumped"
By: Angel Jennings
Source : Los Angles Times,0,2530505.story#axzz2xWdEaa39
The people of Crenshaw are not in a very happy mood due to the numerous amount of trees that have been cut down in their city. All along Crenshaw Boulevard, large stumps remain where trees once stood tall. Most green life has been replaced for new venues such as The California Science Center and the Crenshaw/LAX subway line. Reportedly seventy one mature magnolias and pines were chopped down in 2012 along an almost two-mile stretch in South Los Angeles. About 175 trees (a third of the population remaining) are going to be cut down for the light-rail project in Crenshaw, and the numbers can vary as the final design is decided. This whole situation upsets the people of the area greatly. One resident of Leirmert Park said, "It disturbs me that they are taking the trees away. The wonderful thing about this particular area of L.A. is that it had a lushness … but it lost its mystique and is sterile." However, to make up for all the disappointment and damage that was caused The California Science Center agreed to plant four times as many trees that were cut down. Through this compromise both the people and companies will be satisfied.
This is issue is very important because it is necessary to have verdant life for the supply of oxygen and sake of human nature. Cutting down multiple trees decreases the chances of an eco-friendly environment, thus increasing the number of non-friendly inhabitants.
Source : Los Angles Times,0,2530505.story#axzz2xWdEaa39
The people of Crenshaw are not in a very happy mood due to the numerous amount of trees that have been cut down in their city. All along Crenshaw Boulevard, large stumps remain where trees once stood tall. Most green life has been replaced for new venues such as The California Science Center and the Crenshaw/LAX subway line. Reportedly seventy one mature magnolias and pines were chopped down in 2012 along an almost two-mile stretch in South Los Angeles. About 175 trees (a third of the population remaining) are going to be cut down for the light-rail project in Crenshaw, and the numbers can vary as the final design is decided. This whole situation upsets the people of the area greatly. One resident of Leirmert Park said, "It disturbs me that they are taking the trees away. The wonderful thing about this particular area of L.A. is that it had a lushness … but it lost its mystique and is sterile." However, to make up for all the disappointment and damage that was caused The California Science Center agreed to plant four times as many trees that were cut down. Through this compromise both the people and companies will be satisfied.
This is issue is very important because it is necessary to have verdant life for the supply of oxygen and sake of human nature. Cutting down multiple trees decreases the chances of an eco-friendly environment, thus increasing the number of non-friendly inhabitants.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
"Dog Doesn’t Consider Itself Part Of Family"
The typical household dog is usually considered a part of the family by its members, but this particular canine has a different view on where he belongs. Local six-year old Golden Retriever, Pepper from Thomasville, GA explains the relationship he shares with the people who take care of him. He tells reporters that they are decent people, although they are not the ones he would like to have chosen as family. As a result of being adopted by force, Pepper isolates himself in the backyard to be as far as possible from the humans. He explains how loud and obnoxious they are, along with being glued to their phones all day. The lack of playful interaction between the dog and its family members are what distance themselves apart.
This news report satires a dog's view on its family, which is funny since an animal's opinions are never heard. What makes it interesting is the different take on views of family. Because dogs are an easy animal to love and cherish most family members consider them a part of their family, but the perspective of the pet is never perceived due to the automatic assumption that the feeling is mutual. Most people believe that the pet and owner share an equal amount of love towards one another, but that is not always true. In this case the dog feels unjustified due to its inability to choose who he belongs to. He does not feel like one of the family members due to the huge contrast in the family's interests and his own. The family likes to stay indoors and use the internet, while the dog wishes to play outside and run around. This point brings insight to a major issue in today's age. Through the constant use of cell phones important aspects of life are gone to waste or unnoticed. Pepper's voice is what attempts to make a change in society.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
"February weather cost workers hours, but didn't cost the U.S. jobs"
By: Jim Puzzanghera
Source: Los Angeles Times,0,6146663.story#axzz2vXV9q3dN
The harsh weather in the month of February disabled people to complete their jobs or have any protection from the harsh temperatures. Most got some hours taken off or lost their jobs completely. This rate caused a small rise in unemployment and jobs left unattended. In addition, 6.9 million people who normally work full-time reported working only part-time because of the weather in February. That was the most since January 1996, when a historic blizzard hit the East Coast.The average work week for all employees dropped by 0.1 hour to 34.2 hours in February. But for production and non-supervisory employees, the average work week dropped by 0.2 hour to 33.3 hours. However, an unusual increase in job openings changed this whole situation. The economy added 175,000 net new jobs and made its way of decreasing the unemployment rate. New jobs were opened in the business of construction at 15,000 jobs, restaurants at 20,000 jobs, and education and health at 30,000 jobs. Business services industry, however gained the spot with most new job openings at 76,000. These new work forces will hopefully decrease the unemployment rate with many new workers to produce goods and services for the public.
Source: Los Angeles Times,0,6146663.story#axzz2vXV9q3dN
The harsh weather in the month of February disabled people to complete their jobs or have any protection from the harsh temperatures. Most got some hours taken off or lost their jobs completely. This rate caused a small rise in unemployment and jobs left unattended. In addition, 6.9 million people who normally work full-time reported working only part-time because of the weather in February. That was the most since January 1996, when a historic blizzard hit the East Coast.The average work week for all employees dropped by 0.1 hour to 34.2 hours in February. But for production and non-supervisory employees, the average work week dropped by 0.2 hour to 33.3 hours. However, an unusual increase in job openings changed this whole situation. The economy added 175,000 net new jobs and made its way of decreasing the unemployment rate. New jobs were opened in the business of construction at 15,000 jobs, restaurants at 20,000 jobs, and education and health at 30,000 jobs. Business services industry, however gained the spot with most new job openings at 76,000. These new work forces will hopefully decrease the unemployment rate with many new workers to produce goods and services for the public.
The effect of economy on my life
The United States economy effects not only mine, but all its citizens. The economy is what stabilizes our lives through the productions of goods and services. If the the economy were to have a complete downfall my family would lose their job, house, money and have no more means of creating a roof beneath our head along with food and water. Our lives would no longer cease to exist at that point because of the incredibly harsh circumstances and conditions. However, thankfully enough our economy has not reached that time and the amount of suffering most people withstand is the purchasing of less goods that are desirable and more that are necessary to own. At a time like this, people must use their money wisely because there is never enough to waste. As a teenager, I love to shop and buy the newest trends in stores. Normally, I should not take into consideration of all the food expenses and house bills, since they are covered by my parents. However, if all the money I borrow by them is used carelessly there will be no more to distribute by the providers (parents). All will slowly be lost and cause the process of my family's financial downfall. Many scenarios, like this one result by the careless and over spending by most people. Anytime the economy collapses our lives may as well, so we must be very cautious of our transactions.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
"Foster mother who fatally beat 2-year-old gets 25 to life"
Source: Los Angeles Times
By: By Matt Stevens and Garrett Therolf,0,5480985.story#axzz2uEKVquH2
About three years ago foster mother, Kiana Barker beat her adopted two year old girl to death. The tragic incident occurred as Barker burst into the room after numerous amounts of alcohol consumption. She repetitively beat little Viola until she realized that she stopped breathing at one point. After hearing no pulse form the child she called 911 and informed them of the situation. She was then sent to the hospital, but only to discover there that she was dead on arrival. After years of viewing this case the court just recently sentenced Barker's punishment of 25-years-to-life in prison.
Not only did this case gain the justice it deserved, but the recognition and change it needed. Before this incident the Los Angeles County was contracted with United Care, a non-profit foster care agency. This agency united Barker and Viola together, but soon after the death of the young girl they terminated the contract. At least four children in Los Angeles County had died as a result of abuse or neglect over the past five years in homes overseen by private agencies, such as United Care. By making the precautions of reviewing criminal history and terminating the connection of unreliable foster agencies they prevent any future cases, such as this one to occur again.
By: By Matt Stevens and Garrett Therolf,0,5480985.story#axzz2uEKVquH2
About three years ago foster mother, Kiana Barker beat her adopted two year old girl to death. The tragic incident occurred as Barker burst into the room after numerous amounts of alcohol consumption. She repetitively beat little Viola until she realized that she stopped breathing at one point. After hearing no pulse form the child she called 911 and informed them of the situation. She was then sent to the hospital, but only to discover there that she was dead on arrival. After years of viewing this case the court just recently sentenced Barker's punishment of 25-years-to-life in prison.
Not only did this case gain the justice it deserved, but the recognition and change it needed. Before this incident the Los Angeles County was contracted with United Care, a non-profit foster care agency. This agency united Barker and Viola together, but soon after the death of the young girl they terminated the contract. At least four children in Los Angeles County had died as a result of abuse or neglect over the past five years in homes overseen by private agencies, such as United Care. By making the precautions of reviewing criminal history and terminating the connection of unreliable foster agencies they prevent any future cases, such as this one to occur again.
The sun is about the set. Its beautiful gleam shines upon the palm trees outside my house. Everything is so calm and peaceful. There isn't much noise except for the faint sound of music coming from my neighbor's home and a few cars cruising through the town. I smell the familiar scent of charcoals that are going to be burned for a barbecue as my neighbors get ready to host a social gathering. However, in the midst of all the observations I made I realized one thing was missing in the beautiful scenery of this fine afternoon. It was the colorful clouds I looked forward to seeing and taking photos of as the sun set everyday. Those pink or orange clouds were one of the smallest, but largest aspects of happiness to me. Seeing those natural beauties gave me something to look forward to everyday. However, in this case the skies were clear and so was my thought process. Nothing really went through my mind, except for how beautiful life is when you take a moment to appreciate all of its fine aspects.
Throughout the day I come across at least one time where I find myself fascinated in the beauty of nature, whether it be the sky and its clouds or the moon and its stars. Something about the way it all works together and creates such magnificent and exquisite beauty for all of its people to witness will have me mesmerized forever.
I read once that nature is flawless and realized that it was true. There was never a time I looked at a tulip and thought it should have been another color. All aspects of nature are created perfect and as people of nature, so are we. People want to change who they are all the time: physically or personally. However, we are just like the colorful clouds, tulips, or palm trees we see in this world. We come as a certain color, shape, and kind. There is nothing to alter, except for the mentality that we are not good enough. As the bible says, "Come as you are."
Monday, February 17, 2014
Communities are groups of people who share common interests or values in something, someone, or somewhere. I belong to a few communities, as do most people in this world. For starters, I am a member of the North Hollywood community since I live in that location. As a member, I do my part in keeping the environment a safe and clean place to live in by picking up after myself and recycling. As a supporter of my community, I actively buy and consume the local goods sold in the area to promote business. Another community which I actively participate in even more is the Justin Bieber fandom, or which I like to call my family of beliebers (Justin Bieber fans).
In the Justin Bieber fandom, us beliebers do our part in supporting our idol by listening to, buying, or promoting his music. Since the beginning of his career we have worked as a unit and continue to do so to create a bigger name for him in the music industry. However, our duty is to not only advertise or convert nonbelievers, but also keep that beautiful smile on our idol's face for as long as we can. Every second of the day there are beliebers all around the world sending positive and heartwarming messages to remind Justin of the constant love he is surrounded by. However, in the midst of this process our true goal is for him to be aware of who these messages come from, in order for him to have a slight acknowledgment of our individual existence. We are aware he knows his fans as a whole, but for him to be familiar with each of us at an individual level would mean the world. As a belieber, having Justin Bieber know who you are will literally be the highlight of your entire life, although a fragment of it has not even began yet. All in all, we are apart of this community to support the person we have grown to love and help each other in any way of being noticed through our idol's eyes.
In the Justin Bieber fandom, us beliebers do our part in supporting our idol by listening to, buying, or promoting his music. Since the beginning of his career we have worked as a unit and continue to do so to create a bigger name for him in the music industry. However, our duty is to not only advertise or convert nonbelievers, but also keep that beautiful smile on our idol's face for as long as we can. Every second of the day there are beliebers all around the world sending positive and heartwarming messages to remind Justin of the constant love he is surrounded by. However, in the midst of this process our true goal is for him to be aware of who these messages come from, in order for him to have a slight acknowledgment of our individual existence. We are aware he knows his fans as a whole, but for him to be familiar with each of us at an individual level would mean the world. As a belieber, having Justin Bieber know who you are will literally be the highlight of your entire life, although a fragment of it has not even began yet. All in all, we are apart of this community to support the person we have grown to love and help each other in any way of being noticed through our idol's eyes.
"Riverdale mourns mother, children killed in fiery crash"
Source: Los Angeles Times
By: Scott Gold,0,3544432.story#axzz2tds0bJxJ
On Saturday evening a fiery car accident killed five family members in the small town of Riverdale, California. The incident occurred when motorist, Juana Martinez Bejarano ran a stop sign on an intersection and collided with the family's car. Mother, Esmeralda Saucedo and her four children, Issac, Nikko, Jada, and Breanna were instantly killed when the car burst into flames after the impact. When this happened, residents of the home next to the intersection, Lori Pearce and Robert Pearce, heard an explosion and went outside to see what happened. As they reached the scene, they met with Saucedo's husband who had seen the incident from his own car. They all rushed to save the victims, but Robert Pierce felt the flames were too intense and helped Saucedo's husband step away from the wreckage for the sake of his own life.
The whole community crumbled to pieces after receiving the news. One of its members said, "People love each other here, and the sadness is just overwhelming. One life is precious. This was five precious lives, taken in one fell swoop." Numerous residents of the town visited the crash site to pay their respects. Ever since the incident people have been providing ideas of new ways to improve the safety of the intersection where the crash occurred, such as adding bumps and lights. They have also been planning a permanent memorial and plaque in honor of the deceased. Volunteers from the local fire department have held fundraisers to help support funeral expenses as well. These are the extra measures one community will take for a few of its members to show their true dedication and love for one another. In the end, that is what a community is all about- supporting and helping one another out.
By: Scott Gold,0,3544432.story#axzz2tds0bJxJ
On Saturday evening a fiery car accident killed five family members in the small town of Riverdale, California. The incident occurred when motorist, Juana Martinez Bejarano ran a stop sign on an intersection and collided with the family's car. Mother, Esmeralda Saucedo and her four children, Issac, Nikko, Jada, and Breanna were instantly killed when the car burst into flames after the impact. When this happened, residents of the home next to the intersection, Lori Pearce and Robert Pearce, heard an explosion and went outside to see what happened. As they reached the scene, they met with Saucedo's husband who had seen the incident from his own car. They all rushed to save the victims, but Robert Pierce felt the flames were too intense and helped Saucedo's husband step away from the wreckage for the sake of his own life.
The whole community crumbled to pieces after receiving the news. One of its members said, "People love each other here, and the sadness is just overwhelming. One life is precious. This was five precious lives, taken in one fell swoop." Numerous residents of the town visited the crash site to pay their respects. Ever since the incident people have been providing ideas of new ways to improve the safety of the intersection where the crash occurred, such as adding bumps and lights. They have also been planning a permanent memorial and plaque in honor of the deceased. Volunteers from the local fire department have held fundraisers to help support funeral expenses as well. These are the extra measures one community will take for a few of its members to show their true dedication and love for one another. In the end, that is what a community is all about- supporting and helping one another out.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Man electrecuted while taking photos of Tustin sunset
Source: Los Angeles Times
By: Angel Jennings,0,3077912.story#axzz2suAAvdEh
A Tustin man was taking photos of a sunset from the tree in his backyard when he somehow got tangled in electrical wires. The 28 year old man instantly died when he became electrocuted Saturday night. The deadly encounter occurred in the 15600 Block of S. California cross of Medallion. Orange County Fire Authority's Captain Steve Concialdi said that the victim's parents were looking for him and calling his name after the incident occurred. It was only until the next morning they found the damaged body in the tree. After calling the police the fire department arrived to the scene and spent one hour de-energizing all the electricity in the area for safe recovery of the man's body. After taking out the victim the firefighters took some time to comfort the family and sympathize for their loss. They also discovered David posted a picture of the sunset on facebook shortly before he died.
Concialdi's main message to people was to stay away from any type of electrical wires. Coming into contact with one of them, even a cable wire can cause serious damage. David is a prime example of the dangerous events that can occur because of electrical currents if not handled properly. Therefore, all people should be careful and aware of the consequences.
By: Angel Jennings,0,3077912.story#axzz2suAAvdEh
A Tustin man was taking photos of a sunset from the tree in his backyard when he somehow got tangled in electrical wires. The 28 year old man instantly died when he became electrocuted Saturday night. The deadly encounter occurred in the 15600 Block of S. California cross of Medallion. Orange County Fire Authority's Captain Steve Concialdi said that the victim's parents were looking for him and calling his name after the incident occurred. It was only until the next morning they found the damaged body in the tree. After calling the police the fire department arrived to the scene and spent one hour de-energizing all the electricity in the area for safe recovery of the man's body. After taking out the victim the firefighters took some time to comfort the family and sympathize for their loss. They also discovered David posted a picture of the sunset on facebook shortly before he died.
Concialdi's main message to people was to stay away from any type of electrical wires. Coming into contact with one of them, even a cable wire can cause serious damage. David is a prime example of the dangerous events that can occur because of electrical currents if not handled properly. Therefore, all people should be careful and aware of the consequences.
The Great Gatsby Movie
The Great Gatsby was absolutely wonderful in every way. The film had captured the story's idea in the most accurate form from all of its major themes, such as Moral Corruption and The American Dream to symbols like the green light and Dr. T.J. Eckleberg. Each of these aspects were presented in the most entertaining and detailed way for all of its viewers to enjoy including myself. The film also did a fantastic job at depicting life in the 1920's with the means of stock market success, prohibition, huge parties, and jazz music. The collection of the soundtrack music correlated with the variety of scenes in the movie set the mood just right. However, none of the work would be successful without its amazing actors who played their characters phenomenally in all their words and actions. Almost every single script was traced back to the novel and fit perfectly into the movie's plot! From the portrayal of extravagant parties to the undying love Gatsby owned for Daisy had me off my feet. I am glad to say this is one of my favorite movies. It truly is a flawless and brilliant creation for all eyes to witness. Great thanks to Baz Luhrmann for directing this terrific film.

Sunday, February 2, 2014
"Police officer delivers baby in gas station parking lot"
Source: Los Angeles Times
By: Thomas Curwen,0,648855.story#axzz2sF4tTlYH
Saturday afternoon sparked an exiting task for one of Semi Valley's police officers, Kyle Crocker, as he was sent to aid a pregnant woman ready to deliver her child on the road. Earlier in the day Anna May, a dispatcher from the police department received a call from one of the children saying that his mother was ready to give birth as he drove her to the hospital. It would be just a matter of time before the baby arrived. As a result, the teenager got off the freeway into a parking lot of a gas station to prepare for the birth of his new sibling. Just as he arrived the police officer May contacted joined the family and comforted the mother as he waited for the Ventura Fire Department and paramedics to appear. Even though he stalled time, Crocker realized the baby was going to come out in that moment and he had to do his best in preparing the delivery. Minutes later the officer successfully delivered a new baby girl into this world and found out later in the hospital she was named Ariel.
There could not have been a more heartwarming story to read. News such as this one are what present the idea of not only kindness and helpfulness towards one another, but the humanity in people that still exists. One does not need a certain occupation or knowledge to do what is right. A heart and a few good morals are all that is required.
By: Thomas Curwen,0,648855.story#axzz2sF4tTlYH
Saturday afternoon sparked an exiting task for one of Semi Valley's police officers, Kyle Crocker, as he was sent to aid a pregnant woman ready to deliver her child on the road. Earlier in the day Anna May, a dispatcher from the police department received a call from one of the children saying that his mother was ready to give birth as he drove her to the hospital. It would be just a matter of time before the baby arrived. As a result, the teenager got off the freeway into a parking lot of a gas station to prepare for the birth of his new sibling. Just as he arrived the police officer May contacted joined the family and comforted the mother as he waited for the Ventura Fire Department and paramedics to appear. Even though he stalled time, Crocker realized the baby was going to come out in that moment and he had to do his best in preparing the delivery. Minutes later the officer successfully delivered a new baby girl into this world and found out later in the hospital she was named Ariel.
There could not have been a more heartwarming story to read. News such as this one are what present the idea of not only kindness and helpfulness towards one another, but the humanity in people that still exists. One does not need a certain occupation or knowledge to do what is right. A heart and a few good morals are all that is required.
Monday, January 20, 2014
"Deputy's shooting of teenager prompts protests"
Source: Los Angeles Times
By: Rick Rojas,0,4082708.story#axzz2r1AJ047k
On Saturday, January 19, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's department received a call from the Alvarez family who were threatened by one of their family member's weapons in the household. Reportedly one of the children Joshua Alvarez, 16, was arguing with his older brother and had involved a hammer and sharp instrument in the matter. Since the family feared the potential use of these tools, they called the police and as they arrived they ordered Joshua to release the weapons from his hands. As he refused and continued to walk toward the cops, on of them shot the boy in the abdomen two times and left him severely injured. Joshua is currently in the intensive care unit of the hospital where he got surgery done and is scheduled to have another one this Tuesday. The family demands to know why the officer chose this soulution to the problem when he could have used another method in preventing the boy from causing any potential damage with his weapons. "We want answers," Joshua's aunt, Alva Alvarez said. Joshua is "just a minor, just a kid. He barely turned 16. We love Joshua, and we just want him to be better and to get back in the house with us." As a result of all this confusion many protesters including Joshua's family gathered up outside of this officer's office and held signs and chanted for the right attention of this case. However, his case was not the only thing they were fighting for. The family has camped out of the hospital to wait for any sudden health improvements of his condition. All they really want is justice and are fighting and waiting for a change.
By: Rick Rojas,0,4082708.story#axzz2r1AJ047k
On Saturday, January 19, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's department received a call from the Alvarez family who were threatened by one of their family member's weapons in the household. Reportedly one of the children Joshua Alvarez, 16, was arguing with his older brother and had involved a hammer and sharp instrument in the matter. Since the family feared the potential use of these tools, they called the police and as they arrived they ordered Joshua to release the weapons from his hands. As he refused and continued to walk toward the cops, on of them shot the boy in the abdomen two times and left him severely injured. Joshua is currently in the intensive care unit of the hospital where he got surgery done and is scheduled to have another one this Tuesday. The family demands to know why the officer chose this soulution to the problem when he could have used another method in preventing the boy from causing any potential damage with his weapons. "We want answers," Joshua's aunt, Alva Alvarez said. Joshua is "just a minor, just a kid. He barely turned 16. We love Joshua, and we just want him to be better and to get back in the house with us." As a result of all this confusion many protesters including Joshua's family gathered up outside of this officer's office and held signs and chanted for the right attention of this case. However, his case was not the only thing they were fighting for. The family has camped out of the hospital to wait for any sudden health improvements of his condition. All they really want is justice and are fighting and waiting for a change.
My Very Own Gatsby Party!
If I was to ever throw a Gatsby themed party of my own it would most definitely be one of the most outrageous and memorable parties known to man. Now, one might ask how somebody can create something as phenomenal as the famous and fictional Gatsby party in real life. It is quite simple really, all that is necessary is a few good vibes to go around through a respectable amount of amazing music, food, and company and the social gathering is set!
This spectacular party would take place in my three story vacation home in Manhattan Beach, California from morning till dawn. Anybody from the area would be invited just as long as they wear their best swim wear and carry positive energy with them! During the day swimming and surfing activities would be held in my backyard beach. Some tanning will be included for my dark skin lovers while we listen to some killer tunes, eat pizza, and smoke some hookah. All in all, the day would mostly revolve around relaxation and light fun to prepare for the crazy entertainment arranged for the evening. As the sun sets and the day becomes night a huge music festival would be held in my backyard featuring some of the most popular performers in the industry. Electronic dance and house music artists, such as Zedd, Calvin Harris, Major Lazer, and Hardwell will perform. This musical event would be considered a "rave" with just over 10,000 people jamming out to their favorite songs with one another and feeling a certain connection to the music, people, and place. This moment of pure euphoria would feel like a certain period of time one would never want to escape leaving each guest who attended my party not only satisfied with their night, but with a memory that will last ages. Therefore, by producing this feeling for every single guest through the means of music, dance, or even food I will have successfully thrown to the best party ever and become a legend. You're welcome.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Clothing of the 1920's
As music and dance flourished in the 1920's, so did fashion. The traditional wasp waist gowns were now replaced with the chemise, a streamlined, straight, simple, and tubular dress with a dropped waist. However, this time period was best known for the flapper dress which was designed with fringed beads hanging over a slim fitting dress incorporated with a variety of different fabrics, such as beaded chiffon, lace, velvet, and sequins. The dress was actually made with a fringe design so that the flappers can shimmy when they danced. Low-waisted dresses with a narrow and dropping form on the bottom were a common style of dresses amongst the women as well. These types of dresses allowed women to kick up their heals and join in new dances like the Charleston. The most common types of shoes worn back then by the women were t-straps, oxfords, peep toes, and mary janes. The most popular type of hair cut at the time was the kind that resembled a short and boyish appearance which was worn with a headband or hat. The most popular types of hats were the turban and cloche hats. Cloche hats were deep, close-fitting and pulled down to the eye brows. Skull-caps were typical of the vamp style and were inspired by the east and silent films. A few extra accessories the women wore along with their clothes were pearls, gloves extended above the elbow, velvet scarves, fans, and regular envelope shaped evening bags.
Men's style in the time period mostly consisted of suits for both business related and celebration purposes. Suits were simple, with slim, unpadded jackets over wide-legged trousers. As for the ties, they were considered casual, whereas bow ties became more fashionable and associated to social gatherings.The fabrics and colors of the clothing in general became lighter and brighter than anyone had seen in years, reflecting the brightness of the music, theatre and good times.
As music and dance flourished in the 1920's, so did fashion. The traditional wasp waist gowns were now replaced with the chemise, a streamlined, straight, simple, and tubular dress with a dropped waist. However, this time period was best known for the flapper dress which was designed with fringed beads hanging over a slim fitting dress incorporated with a variety of different fabrics, such as beaded chiffon, lace, velvet, and sequins. The dress was actually made with a fringe design so that the flappers can shimmy when they danced. Low-waisted dresses with a narrow and dropping form on the bottom were a common style of dresses amongst the women as well. These types of dresses allowed women to kick up their heals and join in new dances like the Charleston. The most common types of shoes worn back then by the women were t-straps, oxfords, peep toes, and mary janes. The most popular type of hair cut at the time was the kind that resembled a short and boyish appearance which was worn with a headband or hat. The most popular types of hats were the turban and cloche hats. Cloche hats were deep, close-fitting and pulled down to the eye brows. Skull-caps were typical of the vamp style and were inspired by the east and silent films. A few extra accessories the women wore along with their clothes were pearls, gloves extended above the elbow, velvet scarves, fans, and regular envelope shaped evening bags.
Men's style in the time period mostly consisted of suits for both business related and celebration purposes. Suits were simple, with slim, unpadded jackets over wide-legged trousers. As for the ties, they were considered casual, whereas bow ties became more fashionable and associated to social gatherings.The fabrics and colors of the clothing in general became lighter and brighter than anyone had seen in years, reflecting the brightness of the music, theatre and good times.
CES 2014 live: Yahoo's Marissa Mayer touts new digital services
Source: Los Angeles Times
By: Salvador Rodriguez and Chris O'Brien,0,2349490.story#axzz2qG9UaYqO
CES officially began on Tuesday January, 7 and had its viewers in store for many new gadgets and technological advancements. Samsung revealed their two brand new android tablets created for users who want to be able to get more work done on their devices. The tablets are the Samsung Galaxy TabPro and Galaxy NotePro. The two devices are said to resemble the design of Microsoft's Windows 8. The way they increase productivity, however, is by enabling the users to run four apps at once. Other than multitasking techniques Samsung designed the on-screen keyboards to match what looks like the physical keyboards that are used with Windows computers. They did this by now providing arrow keys to scroll up and down as well as sideways. Keys such as "control" and "c" for copy were also added to emphasize the design and easy access.
Yahoo's CEO used the CES keynote address as an opportunity to announce all the new additions for the company such as a new smartphone app and targeted ads on it's Tumblr. The new hit app, Yahoo News Digest, sends users two daily digests composed of personalized news stories. Mayer also unveiled Yahoo Food and Yahoo Tech, new websites that present news in a magazine type of design. David Karp, creator of Tumblr also announced that tumblr ads will now will now be powered by Yahoo advertising and this way will target to particular users more accurately.
By: Salvador Rodriguez and Chris O'Brien,0,2349490.story#axzz2qG9UaYqO
CES officially began on Tuesday January, 7 and had its viewers in store for many new gadgets and technological advancements. Samsung revealed their two brand new android tablets created for users who want to be able to get more work done on their devices. The tablets are the Samsung Galaxy TabPro and Galaxy NotePro. The two devices are said to resemble the design of Microsoft's Windows 8. The way they increase productivity, however, is by enabling the users to run four apps at once. Other than multitasking techniques Samsung designed the on-screen keyboards to match what looks like the physical keyboards that are used with Windows computers. They did this by now providing arrow keys to scroll up and down as well as sideways. Keys such as "control" and "c" for copy were also added to emphasize the design and easy access.
Yahoo's CEO used the CES keynote address as an opportunity to announce all the new additions for the company such as a new smartphone app and targeted ads on it's Tumblr. The new hit app, Yahoo News Digest, sends users two daily digests composed of personalized news stories. Mayer also unveiled Yahoo Food and Yahoo Tech, new websites that present news in a magazine type of design. David Karp, creator of Tumblr also announced that tumblr ads will now will now be powered by Yahoo advertising and this way will target to particular users more accurately.
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