The sun is about the set. Its beautiful gleam shines upon the palm trees outside my house. Everything is so calm and peaceful. There isn't much noise except for the faint sound of music coming from my neighbor's home and a few cars cruising through the town. I smell the familiar scent of charcoals that are going to be burned for a barbecue as my neighbors get ready to host a social gathering. However, in the midst of all the observations I made I realized one thing was missing in the beautiful scenery of this fine afternoon. It was the colorful clouds I looked forward to seeing and taking photos of as the sun set everyday. Those pink or orange clouds were one of the smallest, but largest aspects of happiness to me. Seeing those natural beauties gave me something to look forward to everyday. However, in this case the skies were clear and so was my thought process. Nothing really went through my mind, except for how beautiful life is when you take a moment to appreciate all of its fine aspects.
Throughout the day I come across at least one time where I find myself fascinated in the beauty of nature, whether it be the sky and its clouds or the moon and its stars. Something about the way it all works together and creates such magnificent and exquisite beauty for all of its people to witness will have me mesmerized forever.
I read once that nature is flawless and realized that it was true. There was never a time I looked at a tulip and thought it should have been another color. All aspects of nature are created perfect and as people of nature, so are we. People want to change who they are all the time: physically or personally. However, we are just like the colorful clouds, tulips, or palm trees we see in this world. We come as a certain color, shape, and kind. There is nothing to alter, except for the mentality that we are not good enough. As the bible says, "Come as you are."
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