Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Police officer delivers baby in gas station parking lot"

Source: Los Angeles Times
By: Thomas Curwen,0,648855.story#axzz2sF4tTlYH

Saturday afternoon sparked an exiting task for one of Semi Valley's police officers, Kyle Crocker, as he was sent to aid a pregnant woman ready to deliver her child on the road. Earlier in the day Anna May, a dispatcher from the police department received a call from one of the children saying that his mother was ready to give birth as he drove her to the hospital. It would be just a matter of time before the baby arrived. As a result, the teenager got off the freeway into a parking lot of a gas station to prepare for the birth of his new sibling. Just as he arrived the police officer May contacted joined the family and comforted the mother as he waited for the Ventura Fire Department and paramedics to appear. Even though he stalled time, Crocker realized the baby was going to come out in that moment and he had to do his best in preparing the delivery. Minutes later the officer successfully delivered a new baby girl into this world and found out later in the hospital she was named Ariel.

There could not have been a more heartwarming story to read. News such as this one are what present the idea of not only kindness and helpfulness towards one another, but the humanity in people that still exists. One does not need a certain occupation or knowledge to do what is right. A heart and a few good morals are all that is required.

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