Source: Los Angeles Times
By: Scott Gold,0,3544432.story#axzz2tds0bJxJ
On Saturday evening a fiery car accident killed five family members in the small town of Riverdale, California. The incident occurred when motorist, Juana Martinez Bejarano ran a stop sign on an intersection and collided with the family's car. Mother, Esmeralda Saucedo and her four children, Issac, Nikko, Jada, and Breanna were instantly killed when the car burst into flames after the impact. When this happened, residents of the home next to the intersection, Lori Pearce and Robert Pearce, heard an explosion and went outside to see what happened. As they reached the scene, they met with Saucedo's husband who had seen the incident from his own car. They all rushed to save the victims, but Robert Pierce felt the flames were too intense and helped Saucedo's husband step away from the wreckage for the sake of his own life.
The whole community crumbled to pieces after receiving the news. One of its members said, "People love each other here, and the sadness is just overwhelming. One life is precious. This was five precious lives, taken in one fell swoop." Numerous residents of the town visited the crash site to pay their respects. Ever since the incident people have been providing ideas of new ways to improve the safety of the intersection where the crash occurred, such as adding bumps and lights. They have also been planning a permanent memorial and plaque in honor of the deceased. Volunteers from the local fire department have held fundraisers to help support funeral expenses as well. These are the extra measures one community will take for a few of its members to show their true dedication and love for one another. In the end, that is what a community is all about- supporting and helping one another out.
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ReplyDeleteEven in a small and amiable town, such a catastrophe took place. One cannot imagine the overwhelming pain the victims' family and friends are enduring from the loss of their loved ones. Our world is never a safe place, no matter where our feet step. Morally, tragedies like this serve as a warning for all to be careful, especially on the road. I have learned to never underestimate the power of a mere moment, one that potentially can be fatal. Great informative blog, Astghik!
ReplyDeleteIt is always hard to read heartbreaking news such as this. The poor family of five lost their lives because an ignorant motorist decided to not follow the law. Fortunately, this accident has inspired others to provide ideas of new ways to improve safety while driving.
ReplyDeleteReckless driving is a serious issue that must be addressed quickly.
As heartbreaking as this is to hear, it comes as a rather surprise to me that impact with a motorist would cause a car to burst into flames. Also, tying in with the essence of community, the loss of one family rippled through the entire community as everybody was mourning. Tragic loss, especially for the only surviving member of the family who, unfortunately, had to witness the atrocity.
ReplyDeleteNever before have I heard of a vehicle erupting in flames because of a crash with a motorist. News like this is always hard to hear, but it is important to realize what is happening on our streets due to reckless driving. Within a matter of seconds, a family was ruined, and unbearable wounds are made.